
Italian English Dictionary +

The #1 Italian English Dictionary for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch.

Advanced features and extensive content make VidaLingua the most comprehensive Italian English Dictionary for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch.

Excellent. The best foreign language app I have ever used. "

Best Dictionary! I have collected several books and study apps. This is my favorite tool! "

Great update for iPad. I haven't found a word that is not defined. Apps like this really expand the usefulness of mobile devices. "

Great app! I am a beginning student of Italian and this app is extremely helpful. "

It's really really good! Well designed. Easy to look up words in either language. I use it every day now, far more than my printed dictionary. "


   Comprehensive Dictionary

Italian English Dictionary with over 729,000 offline entries. Includes translations, usage examples, parts-of-speech and gender of Italian nouns. Compiled and updated by professional linguists.


Twenty categories such as Conversation, Asking Directions, Eating Out, Flirting and Making Friends. Search on key word. Hear phrases pronounced in Italian or English. Add your own phrases to the phrasebook.

   Verb Conjugator

Conjugations of 6,658 Italian & English verbs in all major moods (Indicative, Subjunctive, Conditional) and tenses (Present, Past, Future, Perfect, Pluperfect, Future Perfect). Over 70 conjugations per verb, more than 450,000 in all.


Text-to-speech pronunciation of all dictionary entries, translations, usage examples, phrases and verbs. Settings for accents (US, UK, Australian, Italy) and speed (slow, medium, fast). Offline and higher quality online voices.


Studies have shown that image association increases retention. The dictionary includes thousands of offline images for menu items, plants, animals, etc. When an image is available an icon will appear below usage examples.

   Learning Companion

Language is living! Only VidaLingua allows you to add notes, images, phrases and audio to your entries. Italian English Dictionary + is an engaging travel companion, enriched by your learning experiences.

Video presentation of Italian English Dictionary +

Download it now from the App Store and start learning today!